Top Hits Sky fm

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

T Guess which Place

Hello everyone!

Since you are studying Tourism, and working in San Miguel implies knowing all the interesting places for tourists, I am attaching a link below for a video of a place in SMA. 
Check it out and let me know if you know where this is.

You can either post your answer in the comments box below, or let me know your answer when we meet. 

Remember to get to know our town!

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Welcome to ESP learning!

Hello everyone!

This blog has the intention to help you with specific needs in English Language. You will find activities that are intended to support your learning of English. The activities posted are designed in a practical and interactive way so you get enough practice of the language. They meet different levels of difficulty so you challenge yourself. Try to do the activities related to your field; if you have any questions or doubts you can either post them on the blog, or ask me when we meet for class.

ESP is often divided into EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and EOP (English for Occupational Purposes). EOP are sometimes made into business English, professional English (e.g. English for doctors, lawyers) and vocational English (e.g. English for tourism, nursing, aviation, etc.). This blog is for Vocational English, mainly Tourism, and Gastronomy in the field of Customer Service.

Any comments will be great apprecciated in order to improve this blog! 
Rosi Bautista